Category Archives: Books

Theurgy, Art, and the Kingdom of God

In The Fiery Serpent, I suggest that a “Christian” play or film is a story of redemption, a story in which the Kingdom of God breaks into a fictional character’s life, as it can in an actual person’s life. While reading The Unfading Light   [i], I discovered that the Russian Orthodox theologian, Sergei Bulgakov (1871-1944) […]

The Little Way of Ruthie Leming – Mini-Review

Ever read a biography of an “unfamous” person? Neither had I until this totally engrossing, profound, and magical book about home, fathers, siblings, hurt, death and the power of sacrificial love. A biography which seems written to the old Shaker tune, A Gift to Be Simple. A wonderful book to read and then pass on […]

Introducing the Orthodox Way

Tracing its origins to the original apostles and continuing an unbroken history of faithful proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Orthodox Church has been a mystery to many Western Christians. For the past year or so my wife and I have had a growing interest in the church. A few weeks ago we […]

The State of the Arts: Historian Paul Johnson Weighs In

The historian Paul Johnson has written on just about every subject, with wisdom, perspective, and passion. His latest book, Art.A New History is no exception. While his conclusion focuses on the fine/fashion arts, one may substitute any art – theater, film, music, dance – and find some truth concerning the current situation: The most worrying aspect […]

John Steinbeck Goes to Church

 Penguin Classics commemorated the 50th anniversary of Steinbeck’s Nobel Prize (1962) with a new edition of his best-loved works, including Travels with Charley. In Search of America: “At age fifty-eight, John Steinbeck and his poodle, Charley, embarked on a journey across America. This chronicle of their trip meanders from small towns to growing cities to glorious […]