Category Archives: Books


  To my great surprise and delight, I received a note from my favorite podcaster, Sister Dr. Vassa Larin, host of the wildly popular video series Coffee with Sister Vassa. Sr. Dr. Vassa is a Russian Orthodox ryassofor nun, author of many scholarly articles and a monograph on Byzantine liturgy and theology, and outspoken public […]

“An Introduction to God.” Is God Knocking?

I like introductions. I like being introduced to people. I like hearing people introduced to a group. I like hearing myself introduced. I like reading old and new introductions to various subjects. Introductions let me reconsider people and ideas, no matter how familiar I think I am with them, in new lights, from other perspectives. […]

Coming October 1…

Another book about John Ford? Yes! Thank you!

John Ford, America’s greatest filmmaker, has been dead for forty one years. Since his death, every aspect of his life and films has been examined cinematically, psychologically, historically, mythically, sociologically, symbolically, and religiously. So why does Chicago iconographer Joseph Malham think the world needs another book about John Ford, and a modest three hundred page […]

In Lakewood