My wife and I saw the film I Walk the Line and went back the next day to see it again. We’d never done anything like that before. There was something, not just in the thrilling performances, but also in the man whose story the movie told. In the life of Johnny Cash we saw how one day life can be joyous in the Kingdom of God and the next minute the Evil Age can be wherever one turns, how the Kingdom of God was already in Cash’s life, but not yet. Johnny Cash lived and walked along the dynamic tension between the two ages. His faith led him home, redeemed and reconciling, despite his treacherous path. Russell D. Moore saw the uniqueness of this Christian even before the film:
“Even as a Christian, Cash was different. He sang at Billy Graham crusades and wrote for Evangelical audiences, but he never quite fit the prevailing saccharine mood of pop Evangelicalism. Nor did he fit the trivialization of cultural Christianity so persistent in the country music industry, as Grand Old Opry stars effortlessly moved back and forth between songs about the glories of honky-tonk women and songs about the mercies of the Old Rugged Cross.”
Read the rest here. Â
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