Monthly Archives: October 2007

The Spread of Religion

 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”                                                                                                 Matthew 24:14 Thanks to Between Two Worlds

100 Insights

After thirty years as a Christian freelancewriter Dan Edelen at Cerulean Sanctum:Looking for the 1st Century Church in 21st Century America has 100 important insights for all Christians, regardless of the length of their membership in the Kingdom of God or of their theologican training.  He begins 1. Love God. Love people. It’s that simple. […]

“The Once and Future King” Isn’t

It had been made into the musical Camelot. My youngest son had just been assigned it in high school. I had never read it. And for 628 of T. H. White’s 631 page telling of the King Arthur saga I was prepared to declare the The Once and Future King a great book.

Naming Our Dwarfs

We can name the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Cardinal Virtues. But how did Walt Disney come to name the Seven Dwarfs?