Monthly Archives: February 2009

John D’Elia on George Eldon Ladd

John A. D’Elia’s biography of George Eldon Ladd has rightly been hailed as the definitive look on the American theologian who brought evangelical Christian scholarship to “a place at the table” of the world’s great theologians of his day. Ladd’s books are not only required reading in most seminaries but are also sold in local […]

First the Rock, then the Iron Man

Billionaire weapons manufacturer Tony Stark’s announcement of his plan to beat his twenty-first century pruning hooks into modern day plowshares causes quite a stir. He freed himself from an Afghan cave controlled by ambitious warlord Raza, by constructing an impregnable, gravity-defying suit of armor from random weapons he finds in the cave. Now Tony sees […]

Gran Torino: The Making of a Modern Relic

Walt Kowalski is the dictionary definition of the angry old man. His wife has just died, his sons are estranged, his neighborhood is deteriorating, the country he fought for in Korea has vanished, except for the horrible memories of the war itself. Who could guess what God could do with such a man?